Hey girl, pulse check: tell me if you’re…
- Frequently bloated…
- Have a hard time pooping…
- Aren’t losing weight as quickly as you’d like…
It could all come down to this:
New research shows losing weight is less about what you eat…
And more about what your gut DOES with what you eat.
You Know That Woman Who Eats
Whatever She Wants —
But Doesn’t Gain A Pound?
She’ll have more margaritas than anyone else on girl’s night
Eat cheesy nachos with a Coke at the kids’ ball game
And she takes her coffee with a few pumps of caramel syrup and whipped cream…
Her belly is so flat you can almost see her abs.
She looks amazing in a pair of yoga pants.
And she’s always bursting with energy.
What Does She Have That You Don’t?
A team of scientists from Stanford University have the answer.
And you don’t need "skinny gal genes" to benefit.
It’s something YOU can achieve in just seven seconds a day.
Best of all…
You don’t have to change a thing about your diet. In fact…
You can loosen the reins and you’ll lose weight even faster.
All you do is follow a 7-second "belly-deflating" ritual
in the morning…
And when you do, it…
* Powers up a sluggish metabolism… stimulating your body’s "food burning furnace" right at the source… for more energy and a flatter belly.
* Supercharges the millions of "gut buddies" in your digestive system…
so they digest the good stuff, convert it to clean energy… and expel empty calories and "waste."
* "Automates" your bowels, so they stay on a regular daily schedule...
you’ll never feel backed-up or bogged-down by toxic poop that’s been rotting in your gut for days.
* Turns your time on the toilet into a pleasant, relaxing "recharge"...
for "perfect poops" that empty you out, and make you feel light as a feather.
I’ll tell you exactly how to do this 7-second belly-deflating routine in a minute.
Because this new research from Stanford is so exciting, I need to share it first.
You’ve Heard Of Your "Gut Flora", Right?
Gut flora is the community of microorganisms that live inside your digestive tract.
And just like our communities have policemen, teachers, bankers, and grocers… the community of microorganisms in your gut have different "jobs" too.
Some help with digestion. Others fortify your immune system. And others keep your skin clear. But…
According to Stanford scientists…
Specific microorganisms exist to keep your metabolism "young" and efficient…1
While also removing waste from your belly as quickly as possible…2
Kind of like a team of "garbage men", except… they never stop working!
I call them "metabolic gut buddies"...
Some women have a lot of them…
And others don’t.
And that’s a key difference…
Between the woman who can eat what she wants and still slip effortlessly into her jeans from college…
A woman who feels like she gets bloated and gains weight with one little square of a chocolate bar.
It comes down to how much of this metabolism boosting bacteria she has in her gut flora.
Think about it…
It’s Pretty Easy To Look And Feel
Amazing When You Have Billions Of Little Microbes To Turbocharge Your Metabolism, Regulate Your Digestive System, And Push The Poop Out…
And that’s exactly what researchers from Stanford discovered. In their study…
Two groups of women followed the exact same workout program.
They stuck to a strict Mediterranean diet.
But the women with an abundance of this metabolism boosting microbe lost more weight than those with fewer of them.
They also had more satisfying bathroom trips than the ladies in the other group.
How Do You Know If You Have A Lot Or A Little Of These Metabolic Gut Buddies?
If any of the following sounds familiar… then you probably don’t have enough!
You get bloated and gassy after eating…
And not just from foods you "shouldn’t" eat like pizza and ice cream… it also happens when you eat healthy foods like salads, beans and brown rice, or whole grains.
And even when you wake up in the morning, your belly is puffed up and round.
Your bowel movements are irregular…
You may go a day or more without pooping… and when you do, it’s not fun.
Either the consistency is, well… gross… or it feels like your intestines are trying to push out a pound of bricks.
Meals sit heavy in your tummy for hours…
And instead of giving you energy - like food is supposed to - meals make you feel tired and foggy.
Your workouts don’t seem to "work" anymore…
Even when you give them your all, the scale barely moves…
… and it feels like fat clutches to your belly more than it does anywhere else!
Your cravings get out of control sometimes…
… like there’s a little toddler living inside of you, kicking and screaming until you finally give in.
If you can relate to any of the above…
Then you don’t have enough of this metabolism charging bacteria in your gut. But…
Don’t get discouraged, because the solution is so simple.
You Can Increase The Amount Of
Metabolic Gut Buddies You Have In Your
Gut Flora…
Here’s how:
I’m sure you’ve heard of probiotics…
Probiotics are "gut buddies" that help support your health. But…
Not all probiotics are created equally.
In fact, I tried dozens of them myself. Here’s the problem:
Most probiotic products aren’t designed for women like you and me.
They’re "general purpose," and yes… they’re better than nothing.
But if you’re a woman in her 30’s, 40’s or 50’s…
And you want to lose weight, beat the bloat, and stay regular…
Then you need probiotic strains that are clinically studied to support your specific condition.
And here’s what’s so exciting:
Radiant Me is now serving hundreds of thousands of women just like you…
So I could afford to do the research, and hire a science team to design a probiotic for our unique metabolic needs.
That way you can fill your gut with ALL the metabolic gut buddies you need…
To Virtually Shrink-Wrap Your Waistline
And Help You Poop Better…
And now you can be the woman who eats more of the foods she loves…
… an extra helping of lasagna at lunch… another slice of pizza during family game night… cupcakes with LOTS of icing…
And you’ll have billions of little metabolic gut buddies breaking down those "guilty pleasures" into real fuel that supercharges your energy and sharpens your focus.
Meanwhile, the number on the scale will stay headed in the right direction… you’ll feel lighter… like you’re skipping across clouds…
And you’ll look FANTASTIC in that pair of jeans you’ve been saving for when you lose a little more weight…
… or when you throw your hair in a ponytail and go to yoga class in those bold, skin-tight Alo pants…
… and your partner will shower you with compliments when you pull out that short cropped dress you wore on your first date.
This custom-designed supplement…
Which I think of as my
"7-second belly deflating ritual"...
Will tip the scales in your favor… and I can’t wait for you to try it.
Radiant Flora
Radiant Flora is the first and only supplement that combines 6 metabolism boosting probiotics in one place…
Purpose-designed for women in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, who want to boost their energy, beat the bloat, and lose weight…
And every capsule is bursting with 20 billion fresh “CFUs”...
(CFUs are a unit of measurement used to predict how effective a probiotic supplement will be… and 20 billion CFUs is a LOT)...
And these probiotics will help transform your gut from a fat-storing factory… into a fat-burning furnace…
Igniting your metabolism at the source… nourishing your whole body for easy digestion and smooth, all-day energy…
So you torch fat and poop better… even while indulging in your favorite foods.
Here Are The Exciting Probiotic Strains
That Make Radiant Flora Unique For YOU:
Metabolic Strain #1:
One of the biggest causes of digestive issues is inflammation.
Inflammation is like having lots of little “forest fires” in your gut. But…
Taking L.Reuteri is like sending billions of firefighters into action to hose down the inflammation.3
Doing so soothes your digestive tract and gives you healthier poops. Not only that…
But L.Reuteri increases the amount of “brown fat cells” you have in your body (brown fat looks like lean muscle tone, not squishy tummy and thigh fat)…4
And when it comes to weight loss, you want all the brown fat you can get!
Brown fat is EXTREMELY metabolic… meaning the more you have, the faster your metabolism runs…
And simply taking Radiant Flora can multiply this metabolic tissue so your fat loss picks up speed over time (instead of slowing down).
Metabolic Strain #2:
If you think of your backed-up digestive system like a clogged sink…
B.Lactis is like Drano.
It helps to flush the gunk and grime that backs you up and weighs you down.5
It also keeps you on a regular, daily pooping schedule… which prevents waste from festering and rotting in your belly.6
With the help of B.Lactis… when you go to the bathroom, you’ll have satisfying bowel movements that make you feel light as a feather when you get off the toilet.
You’ll feel refreshed and recharged for the rest of the day.
Metabolic Strain #3:
If you don’t want to give up decadent chocolate brownies and slow-churned vanilla ice cream… this probiotic will be your new best friend.
It’s the ultimate “have your cake and eat it too” loophole. Because…
Sometimes eating sugar can create gangs of “bad” bacteria in your gut. But…
L.Rhamnosus acts like a team of police officers that “patrol” your gut and bust the “bad guys”... this way you can eat more of the “guilty pleasure” foods you love without the consequences.7
In fact…
In a 24-week weight loss study…
Women who consumed L.Rhamnosus lost weight faster than when they didn’t take it. They also had less cravings and healthier poops… without changing their diets. 8
Metabolic Strain #4:
One study showed that L.Plantarum can boost energy, reduce fatigue, increase muscle mass, and… the magic words… lead to “significantly” less body fat.9
But it gets even better… because it’s also shown to be a potent mood booster.10
It works on what’s called the “gut-brain axis”...
Which helps to relieve occasional stress and anxiety, and even enhance your memory.
And since weight gain, stress, and depressed feelings are connected (hence the phrase “eat your feelings”)...
This strain of bacteria can help you keep your appetite under control regardless of what life throws your way.
Metabolic Strain #5:
One mouse study found an exciting connection between L.Paracasei and weight loss.11
Mice have similar DNA to people (92% to be exact). That’s why doctors like to run studies on mice before they do on humans. So…
Even though it was a mouse study, L.Paracasei has lots of promise. In the study…
Scientists found it significantly decreased fat-storage, even on a high-fat diet.
It did so by "reprogramming" their bodies to store less fat.
Imagine that…
Getting a total body reboot so you burn fat more efficiently thanks to L.Paracasei.
When the mainstream press catches wind of this, I have no doubt we’ll see an explosion of human weight-loss studies on this strain…
(But right now you’re ahead of the curve).
Metabolic Strain #6:
This bacteria literally reduces the amount of fat you absorb…
Passing it right through your gut, and out into your poop.
In a 12-week study of 210 people, they found that L. Gasseri reduced body fat around organs and even belly fat, by a whopping 8.5%!12
And this was no accident…
Because the participants gained the weight back when they stopped taking L.Gasseri!
It’s as clear a cause-and-effect as you’ll ever see in a clinical study. So rest assured… all you have to do is…
Simply Take Radiant Flora To Rev Up Your Energy And Flush Out The Waste,
No Matter What You’re Eating…
Radiant Flora goes way beyond drugstore probiotics.
It’s the ONLY probiotic to include all six of these metabolic gut buddies.
All you do is take one little capsule with your first meal of the day…
Then sit back and let these little helpers do the rest…
Restoring harmony to your gut. And revitalizing your metabolism.
Imagine waking up in the morning… and, right on schedule, your body lets you know it’s "time to go."
Instead of sitting on your phone, scrolling through social media… waiting for some of that backed-up poop to make its way out…
And instead of straining because you’re in a hurry to get dressed for the day and the kids to school…
Your body knows exactly what to do.
The billions of new bacteria in your digestive system have been hard at work… helping your body absorb all the good, healthy, vital nutrients from your meals…
And now it’s time to eliminate the empty calories that would
otherwise get stored around your belly, thighs, and on your underarms…
And those "empty" calories slide out in a perfectly formed poop…
Nice and easy… because that’s what going to the bathroom is supposed to be like.
You’ll feel light and energized by the time you’re done…
And you’ll think so much more clearly and set yourself up for a wonderfully productive day…
Because you don’t have pounds of toxic waste caked to your intestines… emitting dangerous toxins throughout your body… making you feel tired and gross.
Speaking from experience… since using Radiant Flora…
My "Bathroom Time" In The Morning Has Become So Pleasant
The Toilet Feels Like A Personal "Recharge Station"...
Because these little gut buddies are clearing all that gunk from my gut and making me happier, healthier and lighter first thing in the morning.
And THEN things get really exciting. Because…
After the metabolic probiotic strains inside Radiant Flora help get things "moving"...
They keep your metabolism running with unmatched efficiency. I mean, it’ll hum along close to how it did in your twenties! Because…
Not only do these probiotics increase your natural resting metabolism…
But remember… these probiotics increase "brown fat" - the hyper-metabolic tissues in your body that burn the most fat of any other tissue. Well…
With Radiant Flora you’ll multiply the amount of brown fat you have on your body… which is like throwing more logs into a fire… so it burns hotter!
With all that going on…
Girl, you’ll melt belly fat like butter in a frying pan.
The pesky bits of flab on your thighs and under your arms will finally firm-up.
You’ll Feel So Light And Breezy That
You’ll Wonder If Radiant Flora Is Magic
Because that’s just what happens when everything in your digestive system and metabolism "click"
You’re going to feel so confident when you look in the mirror.
Your belly will flatten like when you squeeze a plastic bag to let the air out.
You’ll have the energy to seize every new opportunity that comes your way.
And get ready to be the center of attention around your girlfriends…
…because they will be absolutely BAFFLED when they see you ordering a side of french fries instead of a side salad, then finishing the meal with dessert…
… yet you look more fit every time they see you!
Even better: you don’t "pay for it later" with belly bloat, or unpleasant trips to the restroom… because you have billions… BILLIONS… of little digestion helpers in your gut…
Digesting all the good. Expelling the bad. And keeping your metabolism churning… and churning… and CHURNING all of those calories into energy.
That’s What You Can Expect
When You Make This Into Your Own
7-Second Belly Deflating Ritual.
And today I want to give you a special one-time launch discount so you can get Radiant Flora for less.
This is one of the most important and exciting things you can do for your health… so I thought, why not make it as exciting as when you see a cute pair of shoes on sale?
We didn’t spare any expense creating this formula. It really is the best probiotic for women who want to speed up their metabolism, lose weight, and poop better.
And while we could charge $149 per bottle (which is a 30-day supply and perfectly reasonable for something that does as much as Radiant Flora)… we decided to knock the retail price down to $69.95 per bottle. But…
I’m going to give you an even bigger discount during this launch… this is a special discount for my RadGirls only because I don’t want you to miss this.
So today you can get 1 bottle of Radiant Flora for just $49 per bottle (which is less than $2 a day to effortlessly transform your digestive health and metabolism).
But… before you choose that lone bottle.
I personally recommend grabbing 3 or 6 bottles instead, because…
You’ll Get An Even Bigger Discount
When You Stock Up On More Today…
And think about it…
A probiotic supplement like Radiant Flora isn’t something you use for a few weeks and then stop.
Your gut is always vulnerable to "bad" bacteria due to processed foods, environmental toxins, even stress can throw things "off". So…
If you love it, feel it and SEE it… which I know you will…
Then Radiant Flora is a supplement you’ll take every single day going forward.
That’s why I call it my "belly deflating ritual"... a ritual is something you do every day!
So with that in mind, it’s your best bet to order as many bottles as you can today to save the most amount of money. Plus…
This will secure your gut and metabolic health over the next several months (and ensure you have bottles for 90-180 days… so you’re all set even if we run out of stock during this launch).
All you have to do is look below and select how many bottles you’d like us to box up and send to you…
Click the "ORDER NOW" button to get started…
Our checkout process is secured with the same encryption that Amazon and Apple use.
Shipments get packed up and sent out every day around 5pm central time
So Radiant Flora could arrive at your door in just 2-3 days from now…
Or 5-7 business days if you’re ordering on the weekend…
So I think you’re ready to listen to that little voice inside your head…
The one that says, "If this works half as well as she says it does, then I’ve got to try it."
But if you’re on the fence at all… I want to put you at ease. This is a completely RISK-FREE opportunity… because your order will be protected with our:
"You’ll Love It Or It’s Free"
1 Year Guarantee
I want you to understand how big of a deal this is.
If you were to go to the drugstore, or Whole Foods, or Amazon and buy a weaker probiotic… they wouldn’t give you your money back if it didn’t work. And that’s because they see you as just one of thousands of customers who they can churn through…
Happy or not. They don’t care either way.
But you…
You’re in my community!
I couldn’t do that to you… and if for some reason you aren’t happy with Radiant Flora, well, I want to make sure things are right between us! So…
Even though I’m over the moon with how Radiant Flora has impacted my health…
And even though studies show the strains in this formula are second-to-none…
And even though our team firmly believes this may be the most powerful way for women to lose weight and feel fantastic inside and out…
I understand no two women are exactly alike…
So if for some reason you try Radiant Flora but don’t have smoother digestion, better poops, and a slimmer waistline…
Just call or email our customer service team anytime between now and a year from now and we’ll give you a full, hassle-free refund.
Yes - you’ve got a FULL YEAR to try it out!
So please…
Order Now With A
Few Simple Clicks
You can try 1, 3, or 6 months of Radiant Flora with absolutely zero-risk. It’s all upside.
Radiant Flora was custom-designed for women like you and me, for…
digestion… -
poops… -
A slim
waist… -
Energy in
spades… -
confidence… -
And I’m SO excited for you to try it.
It All Starts With
What You Decide
To Do Next.
Radiant Flora is your all-in-one metabolic digestive supplement that rights the "wrongs" in your digestive system… keeps it squeaky clean… while supercharging your metabolism so you can enjoy the slimmest belly you’ve had in years.
And I promise, you’ll never want to go a day without it again.
Remember, your order is protected with our 365-day "Love It Or It’s Free" money back guarantee… so you have nothing to lose and a life-changing daily ritual to start enjoying.
I can’t wait for you to try Radiant Flora! Choose your package below and let’s get it shipped your way now!
Select Your
Package Now!
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+ References:
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8."The Role of Next-Generation Probiotics in Obesity and ... - NCBI." 4 Apr. 2023, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10095285/.
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10."Intake of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum HEAL9 Improves Cognition in ...." 5 Aug. 2023, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10421450/.
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11."Lactobacillus paracasei N1115 attenuates obesity in high?fat diet ...." 20 Oct. 2022, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9834814/.
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12."Effect of Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 in fermented milk on ...." 14 Nov. 2013, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23614897/.
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